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Thursday, July 25, 2019

Learn To Translate: Chinese to English - Part 7

1. 亲爱的同学您好,首先first of all,对您能回答answering我们的问题表达express诚挚sincere的谢意gratitude
Dear classmates, first of all, we express a sincere gratitude to you for answering our questions.

2. 当前At present大学生的就业employment压力pressure越来越大,竞争competition越来越激烈。
At present, the employment pressure of college students is getting bigger and bigger, and the competition is becoming fiercer and fiercer.

3. 为了In order to对大学生college students就业employment观念concept有一个比较系统systematic的了解understanding,特发起本次this time调查survey
In order to have a more systematic understanding of the employment concept of college students, we especially launch this survey.

4.为了保证ensure调查survey的准确性accuracy,请各位everybody同学classmate如实accurately填写fill in a form自己的情况situation
In order to ensure the accuracy of the survey, every classmates, please fill out accurately based on your situation.

5. 再次once again对您的支持support与合作cooperation表示express由衷sincere的谢意gratitude,祝您一切everything顺利smoothly
Once again, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for your support and cooperation. We wish you all the best!

6. 如果您有感兴趣的产品,可以通过留言leave a message的方式留下告诉tell我们您想了解产品的哪些详细details信息和您的联系方式contact information,我们将will最短的时间shortest time内与您取得联系get in touch,并满意satisfactory的答复answer
If you have a product of interest, you can leave a message to tell us which details of the product you want to know and your contact information. We will get in touch with you in the shortest time and give you a satisfactory answer.

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Learn Chinese Vocab: 弯路(wān​lù) vs 弯路

 1. 弯路 =detour, roundabout route 弯路 下山不减速的原因 , 司机开不快就会被乘客骂 。 The reason for not slowing down while going a downhill detour is the drive...