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Thursday, August 22, 2019

Learn To Translate: Chinese>Indonesian>English

1. 客户服务Layanan Pelanggan中心Pusat产品Produk质量Kualitas异议Keberatan培训Pelatihan
Pusat Layanan Pelanggan: Pelatihan Keberatan Atas Kualitas Produk
Customer Service Center: Product Quality Objection Training

2. 为了Untuk不断terus提高meningkatkan /improving我们的培训pelatihan/ training质量kualitas,请silakan您认真seksama/ carefully、完整lengkap/ completely填写isiini调查表kuesioner
Untuk dapat terus meningkatkan kualitas pelatihan kami, silakan isi kuesioner ini dengan seksama dan lengkap.
To continue improving the quality of our training, please fill this questionnaire carefully and completely.

3. 培训pelatihan满意kepuasantingkat, degree 评估penilaian项目Butir包含meliputi以下berikut
3. Butir penilaian tingkat kepuasan pelatihan meliputi hal-hal berikut:

4. 培训pelatihan部门departemen   => Departemen pelatihan
课程kursus名称nama =>   Nama kursus  
培训pelatihan讲师 Instruktur  => Instruktur pelatihan

5.课程kursus 内容konten
Konten kursus

6. 内容konten的连贯性Koherensi
The coherence of content
Koherensi konten

7. 内容的主次primer dan sekunder分明distinct/ Perbedaan nyata程度level/ Tingkat
The Distinct Level Between Primary and Secondary Content
Tingkat Perbedaan Nyata Antara Konten Primer dan Sekunder

8. 重点main point内容的深度Depth
Depth of main point content
Kedalaman konten poin utama

9. 内容的适用性Applicability/ Penerapan
Applicability of content
Penerapan konten

10. 尚可 lumayan/not bad

11. 讲师Instruktur  表现performance
Instructor   performance
Kinerja Instruktur  

12. 语言language简练Concise/singkat padat;表述statement清晰clear;重点focus突出prominent
Concise language; clear statement; prominent in main point
Bahasa singkat padat; pernyataan jelas; poin utama menonjol

Learn Chinese Grammar: 坐起来(zuò qǐlai=to sit on) vs. 坐起来(zuò qǐlai=to sit up) vs. 坐起来(zuò qǐlai=start to sit)

坐起来(zuò qǐlai=to sit on) vs. 坐起来(zuò qǐlai=to sit up) vs. 坐起来(zuò qǐlai=start to sit):
1. This sofa is very comfortable to sit on.
(zhè)(zhāng= a measure word for flat objects)沙发(shāfā=sofa)坐起来(zuò qǐlai=to sit on)(hěn=very)舒服(shūfu=comfortable)
坐起来 here means "your feeling when you're sitting on the sofa"

2. Can you sit up?
(nǐ=you)可以(kěyǐ=can)坐起来(zuò qǐlai=to sit up)(ma=question particle for "yes-no" questions)

3. I started to sit tiredly. (I was tired then started to sit).
(wǒ=I)(lèi=tired)(de)坐起来(zuò qǐlai=start to sit)(le=(indicates "something has done"))

Learn Chinese Grammar: 关心(guānxīn=to care about) vs. 在乎(zàihu=to care about)

关心(guānxīn) is used to care about people or issues with emotion. Usually, you want to do something to help him/her/them or solving the problems.
在乎(zàihu) is used for people (frequently) or thing you feel very important and always think about her/him/it/them.
She does not only care about you, but also always cares about you in her mind all times.
(tā=she)不但(bùdàn=not only)关心(guānxīn=to care about, to want to do something to help)(nǐ=you),而且还(érqiě hái=but also)在乎(zàihu=to care about in mind all times)(nǐ=you)

Learn Chinese Grammar: 要是(yàoshi=if) vs.如果(rúguǒ=if):

要是 and 如果 are often inter changeable. 如果 is more formal and more commonly used in written language. 要是 is more colloquial and more commonly used when expressing hypothetical situations.
1 If anyone calls on the phone, tell them I have gone to the client's company for attending the meeting.
如果(rúguǒ=if)(yǒu=there is)(rén=person)打电话(dǎ diànhuà=calls on the phone),就(jiù=then)(shuō=to tell)(wǒ=I)(dào=to go) 客户(kèhù=client)公司(gōngsī=company)开会(kāihuì=to attend a meeting)(le) (More formal and more commonly used in written language)

2. If I can fly, I will come back often.
要是(yàoshì=if)(wǒ=I)(huì=will)(fēi=to fly), (wǒ=I)(huì=will)常常(chángcháng=often)回来(huílái)(More colloquial and more commonly used in hypothetical situations)    

Learn Chinese Grammar: 不管(bùguǎn= don’t care) vs. 无所谓(wú​suǒ​wèi=don’t care):

不管is used when you have confidence (to continue) to do something you think is right, though people said bad things about it.
无所谓 is used when you don't care about something because it's not your business.
1. I don't care, I want to eat it.
(wǒ=I)不管(bùguǎn=don't care), (wǒ=I)(yào=to want)(chī=to eat)(The speaker has confidence to eat the food; she doesn't care what people said bad things about the food)

2. I don't care, I want to eat now.
(wǒ=I)无所谓(wúsuǒwèi=don't care), (wǒ=I)(yào=to want)(chī=to eat)(The speaker just wants to eat; s/he doesn't care about something that is not her/his business)

Learn Chinese Grammar: 接下来(jiēxiàlái= next) vs. 然后(ránhòu=after that, then):

接下来 is used when you are talking about the sequence or series of things. 然后 is often used with(xiān=first) to indicate the sequence of two events.
1. Thanks Ms. Li for your speech. Next, we will listen to Mr. Wang sings a song.
谢谢(xièxie=thanks)(lǐ=Li)女士(nǚshì=Ms.)(de)演讲(yǎnjiǎng=to make a speech)。接下来(jiēxiàlái=next),我们(wǒmen=we)(yào=will)(tīng=to listen)(Wáng=Wang)先生(Xiānsheng=Mr.)唱歌(chànggē=to sing a song).

2. First, we will listen to Ms. Li's speech and then afterward we'll listen to Mr. Zhu sings a song.
我们(wǒmen=we) ((xiān=first))(tīng=to listen) (lǐ=Li)女士(nǚshì=Ms.)(de)演讲(yǎnjiǎng=to make a speech)然后(ránhòu= then)(tīng=to listen)(Wáng=Wang)先生(Xiānsheng=Mr.)唱歌(chànggē=to sing a song).

Learn Chinese Vocab: 弯路(wān​lù) vs 弯路

 1. 弯路 =detour, roundabout route 弯路 下山不减速的原因 , 司机开不快就会被乘客骂 。 The reason for not slowing down while going a downhill detour is the drive...