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Thursday, August 22, 2019

Learn Chinese Grammar: 要是(yàoshi=if) vs.如果(rúguǒ=if):

要是 and 如果 are often inter changeable. 如果 is more formal and more commonly used in written language. 要是 is more colloquial and more commonly used when expressing hypothetical situations.
1 If anyone calls on the phone, tell them I have gone to the client's company for attending the meeting.
如果(rúguǒ=if)(yǒu=there is)(rén=person)打电话(dǎ diànhuà=calls on the phone),就(jiù=then)(shuō=to tell)(wǒ=I)(dào=to go) 客户(kèhù=client)公司(gōngsī=company)开会(kāihuì=to attend a meeting)(le) (More formal and more commonly used in written language)

2. If I can fly, I will come back often.
要是(yàoshì=if)(wǒ=I)(huì=will)(fēi=to fly), (wǒ=I)(huì=will)常常(chángcháng=often)回来(huílái)(More colloquial and more commonly used in hypothetical situations)    

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