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Friday, October 14, 2011

The Use of Same Radical on the Right, Top and Base Structured in Chinese Characters

As may you know, Chinese characters are formed in seven ways, such as single structured, left and right structured, left, middle and right structured, top and base structured, etc. For example, 忌【jì= envy, fearwhich is formed by the character己【jǐ= oneselfand the radical on the base part心【xīn= heart.

Here, you learn the same right, top and base structured.

I. The Same Radical on the Base Part
I. As the radical on the base part, xīn= heartis often used to describe anything that related to the heart.
For examples:
·         忌【jì= envy, fear
·         忘【wàng=forget, neglect
·         忍【rěn= have the heart to, tolerate
·         患【huàn= anxiety, worry

2. As the radical on the base part, is often used to describe anything that related to fire. For examples:
  • 煮【zhǔ= boil, cook
  • 煎【jiān= fry in shallow oil
  • 烹【pēng=cook, cuisine

II. The Same Radical on the Top Part
1. As the radical on the top,  艹【cǎois often used to describe anything that related to grass or plants. For examples:
·         草【cǎo= grass, straw,
·         茶【chá= tea
·         苹【píng= apple

2. As the radical on the top,   is often used to describe anything that related to rain. For examples:
·         雪【xuě= snow
·         雷【léi= thunder
·         霉【méi= mildew

III. The Same Radical on the Right Part
1. As the radical on the right, 力【is often used to describe anything that related to the power or do all one can.
For examples:
·         功【gōng= achievement, skill, work
·         动【dòng=move, act
·         助【zhù=help, assist

2. As the radical on the right, is often used to describe anything that related to city. For examples:
邯【hán= name of a district in Hebei
邡【fāng= name of a district in Sichuan
郛【fú= suburbs

3. As the radical on the right, 又【yòu is often used to describe anything that related to repeated things. For examples:
·         双【shuāng=twin, double
·         shōu=collect, money received, accept

4. As the radical on the right, 叉【chǎis often used to describe anything that related to separate or part things.
For examples:
  • 汊【chà= branch of a river
  • 杈【chà= branch
  • 衩【chà= vent in the sides of a garment
5. As the radical on the right,鸟【niǎois often used to describe anything that related to bird. For examples:
  • 鸡【jī= chicken
  • jiū= turtledove
  • 鸣【míng= the cry of birds

Learn Chinese Vocab: 弯路(wān​lù) vs 弯路

 1. 弯路 =detour, roundabout route 弯路 下山不减速的原因 , 司机开不快就会被乘客骂 。 The reason for not slowing down while going a downhill detour is the drive...