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Friday, December 14, 2018

Learn How to Translate Chinese to English - Part 7

Learn How to Translate Chinese to English - Part 7
Example 1:

今年10月,安倍Abe访问visited北京Beijing与中国国家主席president习近平Xi Jinping会晤meet,这是两位领导人leader各自each2012年上任take office  以来since (a previous event)双方both parties最友好friendly的一次会晤meeting
The English translation:
In October this year, Abe visited Beijing and met with China's President Xi Jinping, this was once the most friendly meeting between the two leaders since both of them took office in 2012.

Example 2:
印度India和澳大利亚Australia都是跟日本Japan一样same的民主democratic国家countries,也都是重要important的经济体economies,有可能may成为become支撑supporting这个广袤vast地区region两端both ends (of a stick etc)的支柱pillar
The English translation:
Both India and Australia are the same democratic countries as Japan, and they are also important in economies. They may become the pillars supporting the two ends of this vast region.

Example 3:
因此Therefore,日本渴望to long for培养cultivate与美国以外outside其他国家的友谊friendship

The English translation:

Therefore, Japan is eager to cultivate friendship with other countries outside the United States.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Learn How to Translate Chinese to English - Part 6

Learn How to Translate Chinese to English - Part 6
Example 1:

中国是日本最大的贸易伙伴trading partner,并且,就如一位日本Japanese外交官diplomat指出pointed out的:"我们的企业company依然still极度extremely聚焦focused于中国的巨大huge市场market"
The English translation:
China is Japan's largest trading partner, and as one Japanese diplomat pointed out: "Our company is still extremely focused on China's huge market."
Example 2:
版权Copyright声明statement:本文this article版权copyrightXYZ网所有,未经without允许permit任何any单位unit或个人individual不得may not转载reprint,复制copy或以任何any其他other方式way使用use本文article全部whole或部分part,侵权必究。
The English translation:
Copyright statement: The copyright of this entire article belongs to XYZ Network, any unit or individual may not reprint, copy or use this article in whole or in part in any other way without permission.

Example 3:
Here it is still necessary to judge the combination of specific stage and background.

Example 4:
这样推算,从提出动议proposal到批准approve再到塑像statue完工complete a project,一年时间都不够。
The English translation:
This calculation, from the time the proposal is proposed to the approval and then to the completion of the statue, it’s not enough for one year.


Sunday, December 09, 2018

Learn Mandarin Grammar: The Difference between 则 and 却

Here we will learn the difference between and when both means 'but'.
Grammar: S1VP1,而S2/VP2.
This grammar pattern is usually used to describe two contrasting situations. can replace , when is used, it expresses stronger contrasting meaning than .
Example 1:
I like noodle, but he likes bread.
a.我喜欢面条,喜欢面包。(stronger contrasting meaning than )

Example 2:
Once he was very ill, he requested a leave from the company, but the company did not agree.
a) 一次他病得厉害,向公司请假,公司不同意。(stronger contrasting meaning than)
b) 一次他病得厉害,向公司请假,公司不同意。

Example 3:
Last year, the cars output fell off by 30% year-on-year, but the Chinese market grew 20% against the market.
a) 去年汽车产量同比下降30%,中国市场逆市增长20%. (stronger contrasting meaning than)
b) 去年汽车产量同比下降30%,中国市场逆市增长20%.

Learn Mandarin Grammar: The use of “正当......之际” or “正值......之际”

"正当(zhèngdāng)......之际(zhījì)" or "正值(zhèngzhí)......之际(zhījì)" indicates that it is in a certain period or stage (表示正处在某一时期或阶段). It means "正在......的时候 (At the time (of))". Generally it is used in written language.
Example 1:
At the time I was in trouble, he came to help me solve this problem.
a)正当我为难之际,他来帮我解决了这个问题。(written language)
b) 正值我为难之际,他来帮我解决了这个问题。(written language)

Example 2:
At the time of the Olympics, at most one day there are more than 200 tourists using the elevator.
a) 正当奥运会之际,至多的一天有超越200名游人运用电梯。(written language)
b) 正值奥运会之际,至多的一天有超越200名游人运用电梯。(written language)
c) 正在奥运会,至多的一天有超越200名游人运用电梯。
d) 正在奥运会的时候,至多的一天有超越200名游人运用电梯。

Example 3:
At the time the national market is developing, after had a national spirit then we should strive our hardest.
a) 国家市场正当发展之际,我们有了民族魂,就应该自己一份
b) 国家市场正值发展之际,我们有了民族魂,就应该自己一份
c) 国家市场正在发展,我们有了民族魂,就应该自己一份
d) 国家市场正在发展的时候,我们有了民族魂,就应该自己一份

Thursday, December 06, 2018

Learn How to Translate Chinese to English - Part 5

Learn How to Translate Chinese to English - Part 5
1) 目前At present,女性female劳动力labor force的平均average学历educational background高于higher男性male劳动力labor force,"性别gender红利dividend "将会will通过through成为become下一时期next period经济economic增长growth的重要important助力boost
The English translation:
At present, the educational background of average female labor force is higher than the male labor force, and the "gender dividend" will become an important boost to economic growth in the next period. 

2) 总之In a word除了in addition to民营private经济economy不得不受has to到重视 taken seriously,总体overall改革reform不会有太大突破breakthrough

The English translation:

In a word, in addition to the private economy has to be taken seriously, the overall reform will not have much breakthrough.
Grammar: 除了 addition to

3)此次this time亚太经合组织APEC峰会summit meeting正值at a time澳大利亚Australia和美国United States宣布announced计划plans在巴布亚新几内亚Papua New Guinea的马努斯Manus共同jointly开发develop海军naval基地base之际at the time of ——这显然apparently是为了遏制curb中国China在南太平洋South Pacific Ocean日益increasingly上升growing的影响力influence

The English translation:
The APEC summit is at a time when Australia and the United States announced plans to jointly develop a naval base in Manus, Papua New Guinea – apparently to curb China’s increasingly growing influence in the South Pacific.
正值……之际,……” indicates that this is exactly the period of a certain event or time.

Learn How to Translate Chinese to English - Part 4

This is the Part 4 of Learn How to Translate Chinese to English.
1) 本文This paper与现有currently existing的研究research结果results有较大quite区别different,大多most数学者scholars认为believe子女children数量number对女性women劳动labor供给supply的影响effect只是only简单simple地负向negative影响effect,本文this paper发现discover,城镇urban女性women和农村rural女性women的劳动labor供给supply与子女children数量number之间呈 U 型关系relationship
The English translation:
This paper is quite different from the existing research results, most scholars believe that the effect of the number of children on women's labor supply is only a simple negative effect, this paper discovered, that among the labor supply of urban women and rural women with the number of children has U-shaped relationship.

2) 农村rural女性women的劳动labor供给supply 37%远低much lower于城镇urban女性women,同时At the same time平均average农村rural女性women劳动labor供给supply最低lowest时的子女children数量number 3 个多于城镇urban女性women 2 个,也就是说in other words农村rural女性women样本samples的阈值threshold value相对relativelyat城镇rural女性samplesturned右平移the right translation,因此therefore农村rural具有there are大量large number闲置idle女性劳动力women's labor forces
The English translation:
The rural women's labor supply is 37%, which is much lower than the urban women. At the same time, the average rural women's labor supply in the lowest number of children is 3, which is more than 2 in the urban women, in other words that the threshold of rural women samples is relatively turned to the right at the urban women, therefore there are a large number of idle women's labor forces in the rural area.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Learn How to Translate Chinese to English - Part 3

This is the Part 3 of Learn How to Translate Chinese to English.
1)但这只能是说这个举动(movement)带来(brought)的客观(objective)结果(result),而不一定是高层(senior leader)的主管(manager)意图(intent)。可从以下following三点(three points)来说明(explained)
The English translation:
But this can only be said that the objective result that was brought by this movement, not necessarily was the manager of senior leaders' intent. It can be explained from the following three points.

2)世界in the worldOriginallyno垃圾poor,只有only放错了地方 put in the wrong place的财富wealth
The English translation:
Originally there is no poor in the world, only the wealth that is put in the wrong place.

3)世界in the worldOriginallyno蠢才idiot,只有only放错了地方put in the wrong place的天才talent
The English translation:
There is no idiot in the world, only the talent that is put in the wrong place

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Learn How to Translate Chinese to English - Part 2

We continue to learn to translate Chinese to English in three steps:
1) Translate every Chinese word (can be consist of one, two, three words etc) to an English word.
2) Pay attention for the grammar such as 尽管, etc.
3) Order them (the Chinese words you translated in Step 1) in an English sentence.

1) (from) 过往(in the past)(to look),对(to)一些(some)政治(political)上具(=具有, to have)争议性(controversial)的人物(person)和事件(event)的处理(to handle),比如(such as)(to)(certain)个反派(villain)政治(political)领袖(leader)(and)事件(event)的平反(rehabilitation),一定(certain)程度(extent)(to)意味着(to mean)政治(political)的宽松(looseness)(or)宽容(tolerance),相反(contrary)(=conjunction used to express contrast with a previous clause))意味着(to mean)政治(political)的收紧(to tighten up)
The English translation:
A look from the past, the handling of some politically controversial person and events, such as the rehabilitation of a certain villain-political leader and event, to a certain extent means political looseness or tolerance, on the contrary, it means political tightening.

2)珍珠港(Pearl Harbor)事件incident爆发outbreak时,日本的经济economy规模scope仅为美国United States10%。相比之下In contrast,现在current中国的经济economy规模scope相当于equivalent to美国United States60%
The English translation:
At the outbreak of the Pearl Harbor incident, the economies of scope in Japan were only 10 percent of the US. In contrast, the current economies of scope in China are equivalent to 60 percent of the United States.

Learn How to Translate Chinese to English - Part 1

There are three steps to translate Chinese to English.
1) Translate every Chinese word (can be consist of one, two, three words etc) to an English word.
2) Pay attention for the grammar such as ...
3) Order them (the Chinese words you translated in Step 1) in an English sentence.

1)(I)(for) (=,this)说法(statement)(very)怀疑(to be skeptical of) used to emphasize a detail in a sentence.
The English translation:
I am very skeptical about this statement.

2)the名官员official也指出point out,比起compared上世纪30 century年代era的日本Japan,现在now中国China掌握get hold of了更more有利favorable的条件conditions来挑战challenge美国United States
The English translation:
The official also pointed out that compared with Japan in the 1930s, China now has grasped more favorable conditions to challenge the United States.

Learn Mandarin Chinese Grammar: The Difference between 尽管 and 虽然

尽管(jǐnguǎn=even though) is stronger in meaning and tone than 虽然(=though, even though) and what follows 尽管is a fact that already exists in the context.
尽管 indicates that in spite of a certain fact, it makes no difference to the situation,尽管and 还是 should be used together. 虽然 may or may not have this implication.

Example 1:
a. Even though I'm really tired, but I still want to see this movie.
尽管(Even though)我很累,我还是想看这个电影。 (Stronger)
b. 虽然(Even though)我很累,但是我还是想看这个电影。

Example 2:
Though I am very tired, but I have already done what I can do.
a. 虽然(though)我很累,但是我已经做了我能做的了。
b. 尽管(even though)我很累,但是我已经做了我能做的了。- Wrong Sentence (the sentence should contains the "still" meaning - because 尽管and 还是 should be used together).

Example 3:
Even though she has passed away for many years, people still address her like this.
a. 尽管(Even though)已去世多年, 但是人们还是这样称呼她。(Stronger)
b. 虽然(Even though)已去世多年, 但是人们还是这样称呼她。

Example 4:
Though she has passed away for many years, but we should regret nothing anymore.
a. 虽然(though)已去世多年,但是应该没什么遗憾(to regret)了。
b. 尽管(Even though)已去世多年, 但是应该没什么遗憾(to regret)了。- Wrong Sentence (the sentence should contains the "still" meaning - because 尽管 and 还是 should be used together).

Example 5:
Even though I am abroad, but my heart is still at home.
a. 尽管(Even though)我人在国外,但我心还是在家的。(Stronger)
b. 虽然(Even though)我人在国外,但我心还是在家的。

Example 6:
Though I am abroad, but I never get homesick.
a. 虽然(though)我人在国外,但我从来不想家。
b. 尽管(Even though)我人在国外,但我从来不想家。- Wrong Sentence (the sentence should contains the "still" meaning - because 尽管and 还是 should be used together).

Learn Chinese Vocab: 弯路(wān​lù) vs 弯路

 1. 弯路 =detour, roundabout route 弯路 下山不减速的原因 , 司机开不快就会被乘客骂 。 The reason for not slowing down while going a downhill detour is the drive...