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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Learn to Translate: Indonesian to English (Law/Hukum)

1. Menimbang, bahwa pada hari persidangan yang telah ditetapkan untuk kepentingan pemohon datang menghadap kuasanya: Eddy, berdasarkan surat kuasa khusus tertanggal 10 September 1995;
Considering, that on the day of the hearing which has been determined for the benefit of the applicant that came before his power of attorney: Eddy, based on a special power of attorney letter dated September 10, 1995;

2. bahwa pemohon dilahirkan dan dibesarkan di bumi Indonesia, dan bergaul sehari-hari dengan orang-orang Indonesia dan bahasa yang dipakai juga bahasa Indonesia;  
that the applicant was born and grown in Indonesia earth, and interacts with Indonesians daily and the language used is also Indonesian;

3. Berdasarkan hal-hal tersebut di atas, maka pemohon memohon kepada Bapak ketua agar sudi kiranya memberikan penetapan sebagai berikut:
Based on the foregoing matters, the petitioner requests the Chief Justice to provide the following determination:

4. Telah membaca surat-surat yang berhubungan dengan permohonan ini;

Having read the letters related to this petition;
5. Telah mendengar keterangan kuasa pemohon;

Having heard the statement of the power of attorney of the applicant;

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 1. 弯路 =detour, roundabout route 弯路 下山不减速的原因 , 司机开不快就会被乘客骂 。 The reason for not slowing down while going a downhill detour is the drive...