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Friday, June 19, 2020

Learn To Translate: Chinese>English - 考虑到在为

1. 最后一点见解令人吃惊,尤其是especially考虑considering到在为客户customer提供provide满足meettheir特定specific需求needs的产品products和服务services方面的需求demand日益increasingly增长to grow
The last point is amazing view, especially when considering the growing demand for customers to provide products and services that meet their specific needs.

2. 考虑到在为for农业agricultural部门sector制定developing政策policy和规划planning干预interventions措施measures以及andfor气候变化climate change制定developing减缓措施mitigation measures, 生物多样性biodiversity是一个跨部门cross-sectoral主题theme
Considering that biodiversity is a cross-sectoral theme when developing policy and planning interventions for the agricultural sector and developing mitigation measures for climate change.

3. 本文考虑到, 在为各类all categories业务business分配allocating带宽bandwidth, 不能只根据该(=)类业务。
This article considers that when allocating bandwidth for various types cannot only based on that type of business.
The use of :

4. 这一观点point of view在今年年底the end of this year得到重申reaffirmed,特别especially是考虑considering到在为这个假期vacation发布releasing新的控制台console之前before,可能会有进一步one step further的增长growth
This point of view was reaffirmed at the end of this year, especially considering that there maybe take one step further to grow before releasing a new console for this vacation season.

5. 另外,应当should考虑taken into account到在为铁路railways所设计designed的系统systems中,最好经常避免to avoid大容量large capacity和大重量large weight,例如具有have(=)种类型的箱trunk
In addition, it should be taken into account that in railways design systems, it is often best to avoid using large capacity and weight, for example with that type of trunk.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Learn Chinese Grammar: 从前 vs. 以前:

从前is often translated as once upon a time, a distant past, long ago, whereas 以前 means before, formerly, previously, ago.

1. Long ago, that performance places are much more than now.

2. Previously, that performance places are much more than now.

3. To extend the tourist visa is not as so easy as before, moreover all visas are a lot of more expensive than in the distant past.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Learn Chinese Grammar Exercises: 总是 vs.老是

Fill in the blank: 总是or老是 for always
1. I have been working here so many years, and I always cannot stand to leave, then I didn't agree.
我在这里干了这么多年,.....舍不得(shěbude=not to bear separating),就没有同意(tóngyì)

2. In the subway, even when they line up in the bank, they always can see many people hold the small PSP in their hands.
他们.....在地铁(dìtiě), 甚至(shènzhì)在银行(yínháng)排队(páiduì), 都能看见很多的人手里拿(ná)着小型(xiǎoxíng=small size)游戏机(yóuxìjī)

3. The main reason is because every time I see a good book, it likes I see a beautiful dress, then without thinking I always buy it.

4. When he just came to China, basically he cannot speak Chinese, but every time when he and his colleagues go out together, he is always regarded as an interpreter.

5. Since China ancient times, dog always has relation with bad things,

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Learn Chinese Grammar Exercises: 接下来(jiēxiàlái= next) vs. 然后(ránhòu=after that, then)

Fill in the blank: 接下来 or然后
1. This mobile model will become the shortest live of high end mobile phone in Samsung's history. ....., after they researched Note 7, actually in which part that produced the defect?
这款(kuǎn= m.w for models (of a product))手机将成为(chéngwéi)三星历史(lìshǐ)上最为(zuìwéi=the most)短命(duǎnmìng)的高端(gāoduān)手机。.....的问题,是研究Note 7到底哪里出了故障(gùzhàng?

2. Other doves will follow it to surround the residence floor first, making a circle, ..... fly higher and higher.
其他的鸽子便(biàn)会跟(gēn)着它先围(wéi)着居民(jūmín=resident)(lóu)盘旋(pánxuán=to circle)..... 越飞越高。

3. Generally speaking, in the north it's mainly bread and noodles, and in the south it's mainly rice. Next week it's going to be cloudy and rainy most of the time.
一般来说,北方人以面食(miànshí=用面粉(miànfěn =(wheat) flour)做的)为主,南方人以米饭(mǐfàn)为主。.... 的一周以阴天(yīntiān)为主。

4. Every morning after woke up, he eats meat pies as his breakfast, and continued to deliver the turkey into the oven. .... he opens his own gift.
他每天早上起床就吃一顿(dùn= m.w for meals)馅饼(xiànbǐng)(dàng=to regard as)早餐,接着(jiēzhe=继续(jìxù))把火鸡送进(jìn)烤箱。.... 打开自己送自己的礼物。

5. He wishes for ....... several months, he can do the relevant and appropriate analysis.

6. First go to the "App Store", .... choose "Update" and that should be OK.?
先到"应用商店",.... 选择"更新"就行了。

Learn to Translate: English to Indonesian (Sport)

1. People with disability are encouraged to participate in sport and most sports equipment is adapted to suit the needs of a disabled person.
Penyandang disabilitas didorong untuk berpartisipasi dalam olahraga dan sebagian besar peralatan olahraga disesuaikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penyandang disabilitas.

2. The para-Olympics takes place a week after the main event and it is equally popular.
Para-Olimpiade berlangsung seminggu setelah ajang utama dan sama-sama populer.

3. Amir was not in prime condition after hurting his right calf during Saturday's semifinal against a Japanese pair.
Amir tidak dalam kondisi prima setelah betis kanannya terluka selama pertandingan semifinal hari Sabtu melawan pasangan Jepang.

4. When the opponent's pair failed to return Amir's smash in the match point, they did not go big for the celebration.
Ketika pasangan lawan itu gagal mengembalikan smes Amir pada match point, mereka tidak melakukan selebrasi besar.
Reference link:

5. Executing a well-thought-out strategy, the seasoned pair applied a smart tactic that buried the opponent's dream, owning the remaining two games.
Melaksanakan strategi yang dipikirkan dengan matang, pasangan yang berpengalaman ini menerapkan taktik cerdas yang mengubur impian lawan, dengan memenangkan dua gim tersisa.

6. Being physically fit also means your body takes a shorter time to recover from illnesses and injury.
Menjadi bugar secara fisik juga berarti tubuh Anda membutuhkan waktu yang lebih singkat untuk pulih dari penyakit dan cidera.

Learn to Translate: Indonesian to English (Law/Hukum)

1. Menimbang, bahwa pada hari persidangan yang telah ditetapkan untuk kepentingan pemohon datang menghadap kuasanya: Eddy, berdasarkan surat kuasa khusus tertanggal 10 September 1995;
Considering, that on the day of the hearing which has been determined for the benefit of the applicant that came before his power of attorney: Eddy, based on a special power of attorney letter dated September 10, 1995;

2. bahwa pemohon dilahirkan dan dibesarkan di bumi Indonesia, dan bergaul sehari-hari dengan orang-orang Indonesia dan bahasa yang dipakai juga bahasa Indonesia;  
that the applicant was born and grown in Indonesia earth, and interacts with Indonesians daily and the language used is also Indonesian;

3. Berdasarkan hal-hal tersebut di atas, maka pemohon memohon kepada Bapak ketua agar sudi kiranya memberikan penetapan sebagai berikut:
Based on the foregoing matters, the petitioner requests the Chief Justice to provide the following determination:

4. Telah membaca surat-surat yang berhubungan dengan permohonan ini;

Having read the letters related to this petition;
5. Telah mendengar keterangan kuasa pemohon;

Having heard the statement of the power of attorney of the applicant;

Learn Chinese Vocab: 弯路(wān​lù) vs 弯路

 1. 弯路 =detour, roundabout route 弯路 下山不减速的原因 , 司机开不快就会被乘客骂 。 The reason for not slowing down while going a downhill detour is the drive...