This is the Part 3 of Learn How to Translate Chinese to English.
1)但这只能是说这个举动(movement)带来(brought)的客观(objective)结果(result),而不一定是高层(senior leader)的主管(manager)意图(intent)。可从以下following三点(three points)来说明(explained)。
The English translation:
But this can only be said that the objective result that was brought by this movement, not necessarily was the manager of senior leaders' intent. It can be explained from the following three points.
The English translation:
Originally there is no poor in the world, only the wealth that
is put in the wrong place.
3)世界in the world本Originally无no蠢才idiot,只有only放错了地方put
in the wrong place的天才talent
The English translation:
There is no idiot in the world, only the talent that is put
in the wrong place