1. FDA由(by, introduces passive verb)美国国会即(=就是, namely) 联邦政府federal government授权to authorize,是专门specialist从事(=做某事, to work on) 食品food与药品drug管理management的最高highest执法law enforcement机关agency,也是一个由医生、律师、微生物学家microbiologist、化学家chemists和统计学家statisticians等专业人士professional组成composed的致力dedicated于to保护protect、促进promote和提高improve国民National健康health的政府government卫生health管制control的监控monitor机构agency。
FDA which is authorized by the U.S. Congress, namely the federal government, is the highest law enforcement agency, specializing in food and drug management. It is also a professional composed of doctors, lawyers, microbiologists, chemists, and statisticians dedicated to protection, promotion, and improves National Health Monitoring Agency for Government Health Control.
FDA yang disahkan oleh Kongres AS, yaitu Pemerintah Federal, adalah lembaga penegak hukum tertinggi, yang mengkhususkan diri dalam manajemen makanan dan obat-obatan. FDA juga merupakan para profesional yang terdiri dari doktor, pengacara, ahli mikrobiologi, ahli kimia, dan ahli statistik yang didedikasikan untuk melakukan perlindungan, promosi, dan meningkatkan Badan Pemantau Kesehatan Nasional untuk Pengendalian Kesehatan Pemerintah.
2. 其它other许多Many国家countries都通过through寻求seeking和接收accept FDA 的帮助assistance来促进promote (an idea)并监控monitor其their本国one's own country产品product的安全security。
Many other countries promote and monitor the safety of their own products by seeking and accepting FDA assistance.
Banyak negara lain mempromosikan dan memantau keamanan produk mereka sendiri dengan mencari dan menerima bantuan FDA.
3. 美国FDA 是美国政府government在健康Health与人类Human服务Services部department (DHHS) 下属underling的公共卫生public health部(PHS) 中设立established的执行executive机构agencies之一one of。
The US FDA is one of the executive agencies established by the US government in the Department of Public Health (PHS) under the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
4. FDA主要mainly分consists of测试testing和注册registration两个内容substances,医疗器械medical equipment化妆品cosmetic食品food药品类产品需要require进行FDA注册registration,FDA注册registration可以直接directly在FDA官方official网站website上进行to do申请applied。
FDA mainly consists of two substances, i.e. testing and registration. Medical equipment, cosmetic, food and drug products require FDA registration. FDA registration can be applied directly on the FDA official website.
FDA terutama terdiri dari dua substansi, yaitu pengujian dan pendaftaran. Produk peralatan medis, kosmetik, makanan dan obat-obatan mengharuskan pendaftaran FDA. Pendaftaran FDA dapat diterapkan langsung di situs web resmi FDA.
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