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Friday, October 11, 2019

Learn to Translate: Chinese>English>Indonesian

1) 专利patent审查examination指南guide中对技术方案technical
solution 的定义definition:
The definition of technical solution in the Patent Examination Guide is:
Definisi solusi teknis dalam Panduan Pemeriksaan Paten adalah:

2) 对要解决的技术technical问题所采用use的利用utilize了自然natural规律laws的技术technical手段means 的集合collection
A collection of technical means that utilizes natural laws for the technical problem to be solved
Kumpulan sarana teknis yang memanfaatkan hukum alam untuk masalah teknis yang harus diselesaikan

3) 技术Technical手段means 通常usually是由技术technical特征features体现embodied的。
Technical means are usually embodied by technical features.
Sarana teknis biasanya direalisasikan oleh fitur teknis.

Learn to Translate: Chinese>English>Indonesian

1) 技术方案technical solution 是为研究research解决to solve各类all categories技术technology问题problems,有针对性targeted,系统性systematic的提出方法proposed method、应对措施solutions及相关对策 counter measures.
Technical solutions are used to solve various technical problems, provide targeted and systematic proposed methods, response measures and related countermeasures while researching.

Solusi teknis digunakan untuk memecahkan berbagai masalah teknis, memberikan metode usulan sistematis dan tertarget, melakukan langkah-langkah respons dan tindakan pencegahan terkait saat penelitian.

2) 内容可包括科研方案scientific research planning、计划方案project planning、规划方案planning scheme、建设方案development scheme、设计方案designing scheme、施工方案construction scheme、施工组织设计construction organization design、投标流程中bidding process的技术标文件Technical Standard Documents、大型吊装作业large hoisting operation的吊装作业方案hoisting operation plan、生产方案production decision、管理方案management plan、技术措施technical measures、技术路线technical routes、技术改革方案technical reform programs,等等。
The contents may include scientific research planning, project planning, planning scheme, development scheme, designing scheme, construction scheme, construction organization design, technical standard documents in the bidding process, hoisting operation planning for large hoisting operations, production decision, management planning, technical measures, technical routes, technical reform programs, etc.
Konten dapat mencakup perencanaan penelitian ilmiah, perencanaan proyek, skema perencanaan, skema pengembangan, skema desain, skema konstruksi, desain organisasi konstruksi, dokumen standar teknis dalam proses penawaran, perencanaan operasi pengangkatan untuk operasi pengangkatan besar, keputusan produksi, perencanaan manajemen, langkah-langkah teknis, rute teknis, program reformasi teknis, dll.

Learn Chinese Vocab: 弯路(wān​lù) vs 弯路

 1. 弯路 =detour, roundabout route 弯路 下山不减速的原因 , 司机开不快就会被乘客骂 。 The reason for not slowing down while going a downhill detour is the drive...